The Leaders Readers Network

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My Giving Story: Tina Ward

My Giving Story is about allowing students to fall in love with literacy. Literacy is something every student deserves. It’s a human right that needs to have light shed upon it. I tell my students everyday that being smart is cool. Literacy is something that will propel them into success as it has the power to change lives.

My Giving Story is about allowing my students the chance to be a part of something greater than themselves and create the change they want to see, and pass it down by being the light that someone needs.

My Giving Story is about paying it forward to schools that are underfunded, and students who have had no choice but to attend these schools in such conditions. No matter what socioeconomic status or challenges they are facing, they have educators, peers, and schools that care for them to succeed.

My Giving Story is about making literacy available and fun. When students have access to books that they can relate to and get excited about, it makes reading and learning so much fun. All students, including my students should have access to literacy that they can fall in love with. 

My Giving Story is about making sure my students are able to have a learning experience that is unique and inspiring by being able to provide them with the materials they need, receive books with characters that look like them- by people that look like them. 

Want to join the Leaders Readers Network this Giving Tuesday to help ensure children have access to high quality and relevant brand new books? Click here to learn more or Donate Today to sponsor a classroom. Your support will reach the most vulnerable students and unlock a lifelong love for learning, reading and creativity.