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The Leaders Readers Network cultivates leaders and readers to support equitable education and literacy for all.



The Leaders Readers Network’s projects are essential to supporting our mission of equalizing access to equitable education. Working hand in hand with students, teachers, and community members, TLRN provides students from all backgrounds the opportunity to fall in love with reading and to harness their highest educational potentials. 

Each school year, we work with a team of teachers, students, and parents to deliver books and school supplies to students in need. Our network of diverse and dedicated leaders is working together to ensure young readers in their communities have access to literacy through brand new, diverse, and culturally-relevant books, literacy activities, and lessons that build their confidence to become strong, avid readers.

As an organization, we implement our projects with integrity, equity, and collaboration. Through our projects, we are able to provide support for students, parents, educators and school leaders to drive improved literacy for students in need.


“ When teachers and students work authentically together to promote early literacy in communities that are underserved and under-resourced, they can help equalize education for all children. ”

Chris McGilvery | Founder

Student Leaders (Middle, High School & College)

We work with students to adopt classrooms throughout the school year. 

Students receive:

  • Leadership Development

  • Service Projects 

  • Community Service Hours

  • Opportunity to receive the Presidential Service Award


We partner with educators to support classrooms to build skilled and confident readers:

Educators receive:

  • Classroom library with lessons

  • Professional Development Hours 

  • Service Projects for 9/11, MLK Day and Global Youth Service Day

School Leaders

We partner with school leaders to help support campus and district literacy goals and projects that drive improved literacy at the most neediest campuses. 

School Leaders receive:

  • Support for campus or district literacy goals

  • Grade level/school-wide implementation of book distributions

  • Professional development (TEA Approved Vendor)

Investing in the future today, one book and one child at a time. Donate to

The Leaders Readers Network to provide brand new books to build confident and skilled readers.

Our Community Partners

The largest educator celebration in the Texas Panhandle is happening on May 9th!