Monthly Donor Program

Let’s work together to build future leaders and avid readers

The Lead and Read Circle

Make a difference

Join the Lead and Read Circle

Make a lasting impact by joining our monthly giving program, The Lead and Read Circle. Your ongoing support ensures children in underfunded schools receive the gift of books, resources, and opportunities to ignite their love for reading. 

By becoming a member, you’ll help us: 

  • Empower young readers with high-quality, brand-new books that serve the diverse student population in public schools. 

  • Support teachers with vital classroom resources. 

  • Foster lifelong learning and equal access to education. 

Every month, your generosity inspires us all to work together to support a brighter future for children. Together, we can create a world where we serve, lead and read across schools to ensure every child can thrive today and for their future.  

Become a Lead and Read Circle member today and make literacy possible, one book at a time!