My Giving Story: Kimberly Stapleton

My Giving Story is about bringing encouragement to teachers and books to students at underfunded schools. It’s about the teachers who I work with to support our students and community. The teachers who give everything in them to help grow lifelong learners.  The teachers who come to school ready and willing to do whatever it takes to help our students grow. It is an honor to be surrounded by amazing staff, teachers, counselors and administrators.

My Giving Story is about hundreds of books arriving at our school and as the administrators' jaws drop they ask me, “what on Earth did you do to get this?” We immediately started to think, how do we get all of these books into the hands of our students in an impactful way. Thus we created a reward system that included these beautiful books. Our students are working hard so these books can become their own. It’s about students' smiles, conversations and excitement for the books they get to pick. 

My Giving Story is about bringing encouragement and joy during a difficult school year. Through projects with the Leaders Readers Network, we witness magical moments where middle grade students are excited about reading again, which brings joy to teachers in what has not been a joyous year for many. Our goal as teachers is to unlock a love for reading in every student so they can become lifelong learners and readers; it is through books and that love for reading students will be inquisitive of the world around them. Watching kids dig into their backpack to pull out their very own book, is worth everything. 


My Giving Story continues everyday as we grow our project to support educators and students at underfunded schools, not only in the Texas Panhandle but throughout the world. Reaching out to new educators and spreading the word of this amazing network, is such a privilege. Helping others is my calling, whether it be a student or fellow teacher. Watching this network grow is exciting and I am so blessed to be at the beginning of the growth right here where I grew up- in Amarillo, Texas! I cannot wait to sponsor more teachers and schools. They will get to experience the same excitement I, and watch amazing stories unfold when their students receive brand new books and participate in service projects.

I am grateful for the Leaders Reader Network. The network believes in students, teachers and the magic of books. They have been such a blessing to myself, my school and my students.  

Want to join the Leaders Readers Network this Giving Tuesday to help ensure children have access to high quality and relevant brand new books?Donate Today to sponsor a classroom. Your support will reach the most vulnerable students and unlock a lifelong love for learning, reading and creativity.


My Giving Story: Tara Keller


My Giving Story: Meg Gilliam