My Giving Story: Shareefah Mason
My Giving Story is about going back to one of Dallas ISD most impoverished schools to be a part of a turnaround initiative to increase student achievement. I was a part of the initial turnaround and it brought me great joy to build the academic confidence of such AMAZING students. I know that reading is the catalyst of education and there needed to be a concerted effort to ensure that the students were reading...but more importantly, reading books that reflected the greatness and beauty of their heritage and culture.
My Giving Story is about giving the gift of reading to my students to ensure that they ALWAYS understood the magnitude and reach of reading, especially for those in impoverished communities. Through collaboration with the Reading Instructional Coach to decide the best ways to disseminate the books. We decided that these AWESOME books could be used for many purposes. We are going to award A and B Honor Roll and Perfect Attendance with a “book bag” that includes one of the books, candy, and small school supplies to motivate them to continue to achieve academically. My Giving Story is about starting a virtual book club to teach students about inferencing, summarizing, and identifying theme and tone as well as having them connect to an emotionally charged book that will provide great insight for them.
My Giving Story is about gifting the book, All of the Above, to our 7th grade Pre-AP students, and they in turn gifted books to the 8th grade Pre-AP students. When the 7th grade students were writing their words of encouragement to the 8th graders one student said, “This is so cool, not only did we get books, but we get to share our gifts with the 8th graders. I hope they like them.” Mrs. Jones, the 7th grade team lead and reading teacher, was ecstatic to learn about the books. “Greatest surprise ever! I was looking for some books that would expose them to characters that look like them. This was right on time,” Ms. Broadnax, the English Language Arts Campus Instructional Coach, said. “We are trying to develop strong readers through books that emphasize culture!”
I am eternally grateful to the Leaders Readers Network for the opportunity of giving. I enjoy being able to expand the understanding of my students in an engaging way that speaks to their culture, increases their knowledge of self, and teaches them that the idea of others before self and paying it forward, no matter your age or socioeconomic status, are innate emotions that ALL human beings should possess!
Want to join the Leaders Readers Network this Giving Tuesday to help ensure children have access to high quality and relevant brand new books? Click here to learn more or Donate Today to sponsor a classroom. Your support will reach the most vulnerable students and unlock a lifelong love for learning, reading and creativity.