Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Service Project: “Be Kind Like MLK.”
Patrick Miller Patrick Miller

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Service Project: “Be Kind Like MLK.”

Texas Panhandle—The Leaders Readers Network collaborated with Youth Service America, the Mott Foundation, and AmeriCorps to launch a full-scale service project across our state and in select cities across our nation. Educators, Student Ambassadors, and additional student leaders embraced the extraordinary privilege of promoting Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr's legacy with our "Be Kind Like MLK" theme and "Be The Change" promotion. Projects consisted of creating words of encouragement for TLRN's book labels, composing gratitude notes of custodians and sanitation workers, creating murals and collages, and creating walls of kindness. Furthermore, each activity was launched with an interactive student-facilitated read-aloud. Students were engaged in the process of service and teachers and other community partners helped to ensure the successful completion of the project. With the ideas created by our youth, our MLK Service Project was implemented with 6,624 volunteer hours from 2,208 participants including 47 project facilitators and 19 different partners.

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