My Giving Story: Ivory Bennett
My Giving Story is about growth, leadership, and the interconnectedness of community. Since becoming a teacher ambassador for the Leaders Readers Network I have been able to connect with other teacher and student ambassadors who share my passion for volunteerism, literacy, and the merging of those two together.
My Giving Story is about my high school English scholars and cheerleaders who participated in a book distribution at the local daycare across from our school last year. They passed out books to students ages 0 - 5. Watching my students engage with this project was very rewarding. They were able to exercise and build their interpersonal skills as well as logistical and organizational skills. The smaller children were so excited by the entire experience - that is what it's all about! Bringing joy and enthusiasm through literacy to the lives of our students.
My Giving Story is about students from impoverished communities giving back during our "Pennies for Literacy" fundraiser over 150 students contributed. This was a major accomplishment and testament to the heart of my students, as I teach at a title I school. Witnessing the generosity and participation of my students giving to others is fulfilling. We teach them academically and we also get to teach them about life and how to positively impact their community and others around them. One of my Pre-AP English students gave $100 of his own money to our "Pennies for Literacy" fundraiser. I am thankful that the Leaders Readers Network has provided a vehicle for my students to be philanthropists in their own right. They have started to think differently about how they can be the change they wish to see in the world.
Want to join the Leaders Readers Network this Giving Tuesday to help ensure children have access to high quality and relevant brand new books? Click here to learn more or Donate Today to sponsor a classroom. Your support will reach the most vulnerable students and unlock a lifelong love for learning, reading and creativity.